My husband and I were only married for a few months before I found out I was pregnant, it wasn’t anything that was planned, it just happened…

I felt like the discovery of my pregnancy was something out of a movie… in a college bathroom. My first sign was noticing that I was more than 1 week late, but I had been late before so no it couldn’t be. We weren’t trying but at the same time we were trying if that makes any sense, we were going along for the ride so to speak whatever life brings us. So, while I was at work I could not wait anymore in the abyss of not knowing, I had to find out and I had to find out right then and there. So I took my coworker with me to the pharmacy that was on campus and I when to the bathroom in the building I was working in, peed on the stick and waited what seemed like a life time. and sure enough the stick read PREGNANT.

I swear I stood in that stall in disbelief, not like “oh crap I am pregnant” more so “this only happens in movies, this is not happening to me”. It was such a surreal out of body experience, I was excited, nervous, anxious and scared all at the same time. I didn’t grow up playing mommy with my dolls, so being a mother was not a concept I contemplated about often. After what seemed like 20 minutes in the bathroom staring at this stick that spelled out our world is going to change, I proceeded to walk back to my office. Still in disbelief I decided to take the test again because I had apparently bought a 2 pack and the result came out the same. So now, how to I tell my husband. I have never been the type of person to be all cutesy about announcements, didn’t want to make a big deal about my graduation from my master’s program, even told my boyfriend at the time (now husband) that I loved him via text, I mean who does that?! So wracking my brain how do I tell him I had the drive from work to home to figure this out, okay 45 min should be enough time right? Wrong! The only thing I came up with was buying a pacifier that said Daddy’s Little Man (hindsight that should have been my indication that that was the sex of the baby). So I get home and I wrap the pregnancy stick and the pacifier in a towel (again not cutesy or creative) and I toss the “package” at my husband. He doesn’t see the pacifier but asks me who’s pregnancy stick is this, I am thinking in my head who do you think?! Why would I give you another woman’s pee stick! So I tell him mine to which his response was a gigantic smile on his face and a kiss on the forehead. Just seeing his reaction calmed my nerves a bit because I knew I was not alone in this. My experience telling my husband may not be the same as others but regardless, we all found out we are bringing another life into this world and we better hold on for dear life because its going to be a wild ride!