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Hello to all the moms out there! Whether you’re a married mom, single mom, new mom, seasoned mom, mom of one or mom of a pack! Welcome to mAhvana! This blog is all about many different topics that may relate to your life as well as my journey. My name is Edwina, I am first and foremost a human being with dreams, goals, and aspirations. I have many accomplishments and let’s be honest I have made mistakes… who hasn’t, but that’s what makes me human, and it is OKAY. I am also a daughter, a friend, wife, and mother. Being a mother and working full time, dividing my time between my different roles is an on-going balancing act, hence the name mAhvana.

mAhvana came from two words, “mAh” a unit of measure that measures electrical energy like the life of a battery which let’s be serious guys most days I feel like I am running on 50% or less. “Vana” comes from the ending of Nirvana, which in simple terms means enlightenment. Ever since I heard of this word, it has been a status that I have always wanted to achieve (fyi still working on it!). As a mom, daughter, friend, and wife who also works full time, trying to achieve Nirvana while also running on 50% battery has been challenging at times but that does not stop me from persisting to achieving that goal while trying to recharge myself to 100% or damn near close! I invite you all to join on this journey with me as we try to achieve mAhvana!

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